Mr Dettman – 10En2 – Purpose of Websites

Due: Thursday, 6th November  – Preferable response: on the Blog.

Linking to a Media Studies area of study – Audience Theory, I’d like you to apply Blumler an Katz’s Uses and Gratifications Theory (how we as an Audience use, or are satisfied through our media usage) in studying a webpage.

1) To inform or education the audience (e.g. News / documentaries / newspapers etc.)

2) For entertainment / escapism (e.g. seeing a blockbuster film; reading a book or magazine.)

3) To help you socially interact (e.g. Facebook; forum or messenger website; Skype etc.)

4) To help you identify with characters/people/situations (e.g. watching a soap opera; watching the News etc.)

You need to focus on the PURPOSE of the website, giving specific examples from that page to support your response.  Start with “The purpose of  Now Magazine website is to…”

C/D Grade: You should comment on the purpose of the website below (Now Magazine), linking it to one or more of the Uses and Gratifications (above). As an extension (higher grades will be given!), use the correct website terminology that you have learnt (e.g. Navigation bar; links; thumbnails; copy (text) etc.

Now Magazine Website

Now Magazine Website

A/B Grade: Choosing your own website, comment on its purpose (using evidence throughout), and linking this to the intended Audience (you should say how they have appealed to their target audience).

12 thoughts on “Mr Dettman – 10En2 – Purpose of Websites

  1. Josh Hobson,d.d2s

    To inform.
    bbc news informs the reader on what has happened in the world recently.

    To entertain
    BBC news has different videos to keep the reader attracted and makes it easer for the reader to understand what has happened in that story.

    To socially interact
    On the BBC website it has have your say and you can post what you think about on that story here is an example about baker resining as liberal democrat ” Norman Baker seems like a decent, honest politician and man with some integrity. Those are very appealing qualities in a politician regardless of the party he belongs to”

    1. mrdettman Post author

      OK, Josh. A decent reply, if a little lacking in detail for both bits. Look to develop your answers, beyond an E/D grade answer, and ensure you use specific examples to back your points up.

  2. Grace glanvill

    Blumler and Kats gratification theory is a way of understanding why and how people actively search at specific media to satisfy specific needs.
    I chose BBC spotlight,a media source both respected
    and loca,l to find out news from my social area.
    To inform;
    the homepage offers i player, tv and the weather, they all show small images next to them so you know what they are and where you need to find them,
    To entertain;
    the website is offering you dramatic pictures, bold headlines, music and videos,
    To socially interact;
    There is a place where you can comment on the website, & say if you saw something very important to you, for example, Plymouth troops fight, Ebola in Africa, now that’s something everyone can talk about!
    Identify with characters;
    On the homepage (again) there are images of local towns and landmarks which I have been to. Or have seen before. And futrher down the presenters are shown with a written details about them and their lives, what they have done and what they like making them easy to identify with.

    1. keesha noon

      I have looked at the way this page has been layer out, by using font cooler pallet, …

      On this web page the first thing that i would look at is the search bar hero parts and thumb nails. The use colour in this is different every time i open a page. as there are always different videos to watch on this site. The site has a lot of sky scrappers along the sides on the web page adretiving there own videos and what the top 30.
      I think that this web page has a very good layout as it has lot of users and people like to use this a lot from many different resins.

      1. mrdettman Post author

        Keesha, you have to read over what you have written. There are a lot of mistakes, and no punctuation used. You’re using webpage terms well, though use the sheet to make sure you’re spelling them correctly. Also, you need to write ‘i’ as capital ‘I’ always, and ensure you’re using commas throughout.

    2. mrdettman Post author

      Good Grace, looks like you’ve understood Blumler and Katz’s theory and its application to your chosen media well. Remember to be thorough in your responses, looking out for typos, spelling errors, and using capitals where needed. Check back over your answer in other words.

    3. mrdettman Post author

      Good Grace, looks like you’ve understood Blumler and Katz’s theory and its application to your chosen media well. Remember to be thorough in your responses, looking out for typos, spelling errors, and using capitals where needed. Check back over your answer in other words.

  3. Yanira

    Now magazine’s purpose is to entertain woman interested in what the magazine provides. It has banner adverts and skyscrapers with a hero shot.

    1. mrdettman Post author

      OK Yanira. To get more marks, please ensure you’re doing your Home Learning at home, and not after the due date, during lunch. This is not long enough for a Home Learning answer – I expect your next one to be longer, and more though-out please.

  4. irontidge (brandon harding)

    A website for entertainment would be miniclip for example( this is because it has games on to entertain the searcher.

    A website for socially interacting would be the most common of all facebook ( this is a way of socially interacting because you can talk to people over the internet.

    A website for informing and educating would be the bbc information station ( this is a website for entertainment and informing because it has a post for local people to post and other people can see that.

    A website for indentifying people would be something like omegal. (
    this is a website for identifying other people because you can talk to other people and learn something about them.

  5. Anna

    English home learning
    The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) is a big newspaper in Germany.
    To inform or educate: The FAZ is a newspaper, so its website provides a lot of information about national and international events. In addition there are many texts and articles about many topics like history or sciences so the website is also educating.
    For entertainment / escapism: This website also has some games which are educating like a stock exchange game were you can discover how a stock exchange is working.
    For socially interact: You van comment articles and can have debates. Besides, you can play the stock exchange game in groups.
    To identify with characters/people/situations: There are many different types of texts or articles which appeal everybody because of the diversity of the texts.
    This website predominantly appeals adults (30+). So it is not designed very colorful but white and black. But there are some games which are more colorful and they are more interesting for younger people. The texts and articles are written very factual so the website appeals people which want to get informed and not mainly entertained.

  6. mrdettman Post author

    Anna, some well used higher-level vocabulary here, and a good response. To improve your English, make sure to link, and build shorter, ‘simple’ sentences, into complex/compound sentences, using connectives and appropriate punctuation. Here’s a section that could be improved for example, to highlight what I mean: “So it is not designed very colorful but white and black. But there are some games which are more colorful and they are more interesting for younger people. The texts and articles are written very factual so the website appeals people which want to get informed and not mainly entertained.”


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